Transition Services

Game Plan for Success (GPS) program provides professional support for students to achieve their highest potential through our many in-house resources and our diverse referral network. Reentering the community takes conscious effort on their part. We provide guidance and help them achieve their goals.
Game Plan for Success objectives can be summed up in five areas:
- Identify needs by completing the Risk Needs Responsivity Assessment
- Establish relevant short- and long-term goals
- Engage in Contra Costa Adult School course offerings and in-custody programs that will help them achieve their goals
- Create a weekly schedule
- Reentry Planning
The following modules are interactive and participants will be expected to participate and return requested paperwork and assignments to the Reentry Transition Specialists.
The modules offered as part of GPS are:
- Module 1 – What are REENTRY Services?
- Module 2 - What are my NEEDS?
- Module 3 - What are my GOALS?
- Module 4 - Who is going to HELP me?
- Module 5 - What do I need to know about BENEFITS?
- Module 6 - What HOUSING options are available to me in Contra Costa County?
- Module 7 - How do I get the DOCUMENTS I need when I am released?
- Module 8 - What help can I get for my LEGAL issues?
- Module 9 – What CAREER path would be good for me?
- Module 10 - How can I search for EMPLOYMENT when I am released?
- Module 11 - How can I write a RESUME that gets me an interview?
- Module 12 - What do I need to know about INTERVIEWING?
- Module 13 to 16 - What other SKILLS are employers looking for in a candidate?
o Communication
o Teamwork
o Reliability
o Professionalism
- Module 17 - What are my options to further my EDUCATION or receive VOCATIONAL TRAINING?
- Module 18 - FINANCIAL LITERACY (Banking, Credit and Budgeting)
Participants leave with a completed Transition Plan that includes their stated goals, the reentry coaches assigned to them, and the agencies that will help them meet their goals.