Seasons of CS (EWIG)

Seasons of CS and the Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG)
Seasons of CS and the Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG)![]()
Seasons of CS and the Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG)
Unlock exciting professional development opportunities in computer science with the Contra Costa County Office of Education. In collaboration with UCLA, the CDE Foundation, and county offices throughout California, our year-round Seasons of CS program is available for K-12 educators at every experience level.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced CS teacher, discover valuable resources and a financial incentive through the California Department of Education's Workforce Investment Grant. Elevate your teaching skills and contribute to the equitable, scalable, and sustainable growth of computer science education in California.
Explore more at Join us for a transformative learning experience!
Apply for training through CCCOE and Seasons of CS
Apply for training through CCCOE and Seasons of CS![]()
Apply for training through CCCOE and Seasons of CS

CCCOE is the Regional Partner for Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Solano, and parts of Alameda counties. Contra Costa County Office of Education (CCCOE) is committed to providing high-level professional development opportunities for educators. As a Regional Partner, CCCOE supports Computer Science education in Contra Costa and neighboring counties.
We provide professional learning, programs, and resources for implementation of CS programs in grades K-12.
Programs include:
- CS Fundamentals workshops for K-5th grade classrooms
- CS Discoveries Cohort programs for 6-10th grade classes
- AP CS Principles Cohort programs for 9-12th grade classes
- AP CSA Cohort programs for 9-12th grade classes
- Customized professional learning
- Implementation workshops for administrators
- CS educator community of practice
Teachers in the Cohort will:
- Attend a five-day summer workshop at CCCOE (usually held in June)
- Have access to online support and local CS facilitators during the school year
- Attend four quarterly academic year workshops online. These each of these workshops will be held in four 1.5-hour sessions (for a total of 6 hours each).
- Receive a stipend for their participation (if registered through EWIG/Seasons of CS)
➤ Click here to find out more about professional learning opportunities, and find local trainings.