English Learner Roadmap Resources

"On July 12, 2017, The California State Board of Education unanimously adopted a historic new policy for English Learners, the California English Learner Roadmap, superseding the 1998 English Learner policy stemming from Proposition 227 in 1998. The new Roadmap policy offers a vision and direction for English Learner (EL) education that views the education of ELs as a system-wide responsibility, recognizes the need to provide EL students with a rich and challenging curriculum from early children to grade 12, and respects the value of English Learners' primary language and culture."
~Dr. Laurie Olsen, co-Chair, CA EL Roadmap
English Learner Roadmap/CDE
Provides information and resources on the English Learner Roadmap. Includes an overview of the Four Principles.English Learner Roadmap Teacher Toolkits
This webpage is from the Californians Together organization and contains the recent Teacher toolkits for the English Learner Roadmap for Elementary, Middle, and High School teachers for a free download or purchase.
English Learner Roadmap Implementation Guide and Toolkits for Administrators
This webpage is from the Californians Together organization and contains the EL Roadmap Implementation Guide and Toolkits for Administrators. Volumes 1-4 are now available for a free download or purchase.
Californians Together
This webpage contains information on Californians Together, a statewide advocacy organization. It provides a variety of resources, information, and state policy on language learners.