Social and Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions, and achieve personal and collective goals, feel empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.

Our services include support and training in:
Social Emotional Learning
Restorative and trauma informed practices
Chronic Absenteeism
School Climate Network/Social and Emotional Learning Subcommittee Meeting Highlights
School Climate Network/Social and Emotional Learning Subcommittee Meeting Highlights ![]()
School Climate Network/Social and Emotional Learning Subcommittee Meeting Highlights
September 15, 2022 Meeting
Subcommittee Meeting Peaks:
- The group members reviewed CASEL definitions of Social Emotional learning with emphasis beyond the 5 competencies. They focused on the rings in the framework which highlight the importance of establishing equitable learning environments and coordinating practices across settings.
- The cohort also reviewed/analyzed/discussed the CA Social and Emotional Learning Guiding Principles.
- Participants engaged in collaboration and analysis of district surveys of current practices and programs and shared current initiatives for 22-23.
On the Horizon:
- Future meetings will feature district spotlight of systemic implementation of SEL efforts.
- Participants will share work from the Focus Schools Community of Practice.
- The group will also focus on supporting staff and educator wellness.
- California Center for School Climate (CCSC): School Climate Data Use Webinar Series, “What’s New? CHKS Update” Oct. 12th.
- CASEL SEL Exchange, October 13th.
November 15, 2022 Meeting
Subcommittee Meeting Peaks:
- The group had collaboration time with self-selected breakout rooms to discuss either: Supporting adults/adult SEL, Implementing SEL programs for students or Mental Health needs of students/counseling support.
- District Spotlight: Connie McCarley of Walnut Creek shared the district’s SEL implementation journey based on the CASEL Theory of Action.
On the Horizon:
- Next Subcommittee meeting the group will combine with the Data and Assessment Subcommittee and examine school climate data and how it informs local indicators and the LCAP.
- Two statewide SEL Communities of Practice are being offered from January to May: TSEL in action and Integrate SEL into a MTSS. Click here to register. For more information email
January 26, 2023 Meeting
Subcommittee Meeting Peaks:
- Members had an opportunity to reflect and network around successes and challenges faced with their school climate and mental health initiatives.
- The SEL and Data and Assessment committees combined to explore current school climate data. We walked through what data is available and how it informs State Priority 6, where it is located and reported on the dashboard and how it informs your LCAP. District teams were able to sit and work together and look at their current data.
On the Horizon:
- Upcoming opportunities:SEL Foundations course for educators; 3 credit graduate level coursework through UC Berkeley launches in September 2023.Enrollment will open in April 2023.Through the CalHope Grant, each county will have seats allotted at no fee.
- CA Integrated Supports Project: Integrating SEL with culturally sustaining practices, and PBIS into MTSS.
March 16, 2023 Meeting
May 16, 2023 Meeting
![]() Dave FendelCoordinator, Social Emotional
Learning Support |
![]() Amia Van HookAdministrative Assistant